Mitakuyepi (Hello My Relatives)
Greetings to all visitors! The Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Education Department offers educational and limited assistance services to tribal citizens of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate. Visitors are welcome to ask for information on our programs.
Education Director Cynthia Young
Assistant Education Director Rosemary Clairmont
Truancy Intervention Manager Sherry Lafferty
Truancy Family Advocate Melissa Gabriel
Truancy Family Advocate Blake Burnette
Business Manager Brandi Bettelyoun
Cultural Curriculum Specialist Lydia Whirlwind Soldier
WSD Paraprofessional VACANT
Higher Education Coordinator Della Spotted Tail
Adm Assisant Krischelle Jordan
LTC Office Manager VACANT
Early Intervention Specialist Roya Waln
Early Intervention Specialist Stephanie Gunhammer
Early Intervention Specialist Oskate One Star
LTC Family Services Assistant Delores Kills In Water
Education Committee
Micah Lunderman, Chair, RST Council Rep.
Lila Kills In Sight, Vice Chair, RST Council Rep.
Emily Boyd-Valandra, RST Council Rep
Ray Crow Eagle, RST Council Rep.
Jordan Rahn RST Council Rep
Nora Antoine, At Large Rep
Teryl Running Horse, At Large Rep
Howard Valandra, At Large Rep